Presentations / Events

Selected Guest Lectures

2019 | “Poesia marginal no Brasil. Contexto e crítica.” Port 290: UCLA. Nov 24.

2019 | “Pierre Mennard and the challenges of literary translation / Transcriação and googleagem in contemporary Brazilian poetry”. Lit 156: Translation, or the Foreignness of Language. Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA. April 1.

Academic Presentations

2023 | Promoting Cultural Competence and Diversity through Comprehension Activities in Elementary Portuguese. EPIC–Lang Conference. UC Los Angeles, CA. April 29.

2023  |  “Qué pena [antropofágica]!’ Do corpo autoral apropriado à corporalização da escrita”. Encuadres Graduate Student Conference. University of Pennsylvania, PA. February 25

2022  |  “A poetic of errors in Oswald de Andrade’s ouvre”. Session: The Week of Modern Art 100 Years Later. Modern Language Association. Washington, DC. January 9.

2021  |  “Alguém aí quer comprar a minha crise? Poesia marginal e crítica”. XX Hispanic & Lusophone Conference at UC Santa Barbara, CA. May 14.

2020  |  “Entre o desterro e o desmadre: impressões transpandémicas e poesia assistida por google maps”. Letras Expandidas. XVIII Jornadas Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, Cultura e Contemporaneidade da PUC-Rio. Online. October 22.

2020  |  “Ativismo, gênero e ocupação na poesia de Dimitri Br”. California Brazilianist Conference. San Diego State University, CA. February 7.

2018  |  “A censura de todos: cinema marginal, política e moral nos anos de chumbo”. 11th International Conference of the American Portuguese Studies Association. Ann Arbor, MI. October 20.

2018  |  “No es nación para mulatos: tragedias amorosas interraciales en narrativas abolicionistas latinoamericanas”. 3rd Chicago Graduate Conference in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies. University of Chicago, IL. April 21.

2016  |  “Enfermedad e indigenismo: ignorancia asimétrica en Quarup A Expedição Montaigne”. Graduate Student Association Conference, Lansing, MI. October 21.

Conferences Organized

2019  | 16th Annual SPGSA Conference: Taking it to the Street: Politics, Aesthetics, and Representations of the Street, UCLA, April 30.

2016  | 13th Annual SPGSA Conference: Weapons of social justice: Reinvention through language, literature and culture, UCLA, April 21.

Panel discussions organized

2022  |  “Ema de Pablo Larraín: baile, rabia y empoderamiento”. A panel discussion with the actress Mariana di Girólamo and the script writer Guillermo Calderón. UCLA, March 4.

2021  |  “Perro bomba: the Haitian inmigration in Chile”. A panel discussion with the actor Alfredo Castro and immigration scholar Deisy del Real. UCLA, February 11.

Public Humanities

2022 | Executive director of the 9th UCLA Latin American & Iberian Film Festival.

2021 | Executive director of the 8th UCLA Latin American & Iberian Film Festival.

2018 | Project coordinator of the UCLA Arts Initiative Build Bridges, Paint Walls.